Sara Ali Khan is on a whirlwind tour of the country, promoting her upcoming film Zara Hatke Zara Bachke. After a fulfilling stint in Lucknow with her co-star Vicky Kaushal, Sara Ali Khan visited the Mahakaleshwar Temple during her recent trip to Ujjain. While in the temple, Sara was seen taking part in the aarti and seeking the blessings of the deity. Sara was seen dressed in a pink saree and looked radiant as ever. The actress also shared some pictures from the visit on her Instagram timeline. She captioned the post, "Jai Mahakal."
Take a look at the post here:
A day earlier, Sara Ali Khan posted an image of herself and her co-star from inside a temple in Lucknow. In the picture, we can see them sitting on the floor with their hands folded as they pray in front of the deity. Sara looked lovely in a white kurta and dupatta while Vicky complemented her in a beige shirt. Sharing the image, Sara simply wrote, "Jai Bholenath."
Take a look at the post here:
Before visiting Lucknow, the duo also went to Ahmedabad where they witnessed Chennai Super King's 5th IPL win live at the Narendra Modi Stadium on Monday night. The actors also shared a video of them getting all excited after CSK's win.
Vicky Kaushal captioned his post, "Badle tere Mahi, leke jo koi saari, duniya bhi dede agar, to kise duniya chahiye. Mahi for the win. Jaadu you rockstar! What a match! GT... the best team in the tournament. The game was the real winner. #ipl2023 #iplfinal (sic)."
See the post here:
The duo's upcoming film is set in Indore and follows a married couple, Kapil (Vicky Kaushal) and Soumya (Sara Ali Khan). They two are madly in love and desperately want a divorce. Confused much? Well, the trailer of the film promises a fun ride with a fair share of family drama and romance with a comedy of errors thrown in the mix.
Zara Hatke Zara Bachke has been directed by Laxmi Utekar and will release in theatres on June 2.
from NDTV News- Special
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